Here is a swag I have made for Martha in my Primragchatters group, her likes were "roses and Pink" and I think I have covered both, hope you like it Martha, I certainly had fun making it
New found love are Dotee Dolls, these little 3 inches of fun have as much character as you can give them and are quite addictive. I have mine I have received from swaps on my wall at work and they certainly brighten up my office
One reason for my slackness is my new addiction to papercraft and ATC's, I have joined alot of new groups and here are a few things I have finished off, it is just another outlet other than dolls
I have been terribly Lax in posting, but here I am again and I finally dragged the sewing machine out, it feels like months, Here are Edna Emu and a Roo I made for a friend of my daughters who is a German Exchange student, I hope she likes them